🏃‍♂️ Quick Start

Getting started

This guide will go through the following steps and assumes you have already created your account at https://app.trckrspace.com (opens in a new tab):

  1. Create your first project
  2. Your project API key
  3. Your user API key
  4. Collecting your first event
  5. Retrieving your events

Create your first project

Once logged in on the dashboard your will a plus symbol. Click this and enter your project name (note: only alphanumeric, - and _ are allowed).

Your project API key

After creating your project you will see the button to "manage project". Once clicked this will show you your project_api_key. This key is used to collect data for your project. Your allowed events per month are tracked against this API key - it is important to keep this secret.

Your user APi Key

To find your user_api_key you need to click the API Key tab from the sidebar. Once loaded you can view and copy your user_api_key. With your user_api_key you can view events that you have collected.

Collecting your first event

You can now collect your first event in trckrspace. There are two required fields order and values. The keys in order and their respective values can be used later to filter your data when retrieving it from the API.

Below is a python example:

import requests
url = 'https://api.trckrspace.com/usage'
project_api_key = "{ insert your key here }"
headers = {
    'X-Api-Key': project_api_key,
event = {
    'order': ['category', 'event', 'user_uuid'],
    'values': {
        # required properties as they exist in order
        'category': 'authentication',
        'event': 'user-sign-in',
        'user_uuid': '123456789',
        # unrestricted free additional properties
        'location': 'London',
        '2fa': true,
resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=event)
>> <Response [200]>

Retrieving your events

After collecting an event you are ready to start retrieving them. To do this you must specify a date range with startDt and endDt. You can then optionally also filter with path parameters of the keys and values you previously submitted in the order property.

Below is an example in python:

import requests
url = 'https://api.trckrspace.com/usage'
user_api_key = "{ insert your key here }"
headers = {
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_api_key}',
    'Accept': 'application/json'
resp = requests.get(
>> <Response [200]>
>> {
    'status': 'OK',
    'result': [
        'dateTime': '2023-09-17T11:56:46.586306'
        'category': 'authentication',
        'event': 'user-sign-in',
        'user_uuid': '123456789',
        'location': 'London',
        '2fa': true,

Filter with path parameters

resp = requests.get(
>> <Response [200]>
>> {
    'status': 'OK',
    'result': [
        'dateTime': '2023-09-17T11:56:46.586306'
        'category': 'authentication',
        'event': 'user-sign-in',
        'user_uuid': '123456789',
        'location': 'London',
        '2fa': true,
resp = requests.get(
>> <Response [200]>
>> {
    'status': 'OK',
    'result': [
        'dateTime': '2023-09-17T11:56:46.586306'
        'category': 'authentication',
        'event': 'user-sign-in',
        'user_uuid': '123456789',
        'location': 'London',
        '2fa': true,